When you have a working oil rig on the grounds of the state capital, you know you are in a place that has deep ties to the oil industry. Oklahoma City (OKC) has moved well beyond just exploration and is the home of the newest GE research and development center, as well as hosting numerous large midstream organizations including full-service logistics companies, oil and gas control manufacturers, and one of the largest pipeline carriers in the nation. OKC got started with oil but it is not ignoring the renewable sector. It is the front door to the Wind Corridor and as such, is a natural location for solar/wind manufacturing and logistics. Its OGE Energy Corp power utility offers 100% renewable power to manufacturers at the most competitive cost in the nation. You want energy, conventional or alternative, you get it in Oklahoma City.
Trust the recruiting and executive search experts at The Energists. We have a deep understanding of the job market in Oklahoma City from both the employer and candidate perspective.