Energy, in the form of oil and natural gas, has always been a major economic player in Brisbane’s economy. Queensland was the first state to discover oil and gas in Australia and the first to supply its capital (Brisbane) natural gas via a pipeline. Those resources provided the energy required to fuel Brisbane’s booming mining and resources industry. Electricity is also an important part of Brisbane’s and Queensland’s economy as an export. Overall generating capacity in Queensland is 14,000 MW while peak use in the state hovers around 8,800 MW. The excess is exported to other states. Formerly, nearly 90% of electricity was generated by coal. In 2007 the state committed to no new coal fired power stations, a larger dependence on natural gas, and an effort to increase renewable fuel stocks. Brisbane’s already established and world-leading resource hub is well placed to capitalize on the world’s growing demand for energy and natural resources.
Trust the recruiting and executive search experts at The Energists. We have a deep understanding of the job market in Brisbane from both the employer and candidate perspective.